Eddie Bravo Teaching At 10th Planet Burbank For The Month Of June!


7 responses to “Eddie Bravo Teaching At 10th Planet Burbank For The Month Of June!”

  1. JayC says:

    Same times as legends was? I’m coming to Cali on the 17th

  2. X says:

    Man, I was gonna sign up at HQ in JUNE so I could meet EB…I guess I’ll wait until July?

  3. Some Guy says:

    Internal Server Error

  4. alder says:

    You can still sign up for Eddies classes, they’re just in burbank until legends opens

  5. X says:

    Wait, Legends is closed? What happened?

  6. JayC says:

    Legends is moving to a bigger place I think? July 1st

  7. Rhyno says:

    Anyone got the new address 4 HQ???