Dark Planet Catch Wrestling > 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu

I’ve been getting a lot of interest recently about my pro wrestling back ground. Let me just give you a quick bio. I started to watch pro wrasslin’ as early as I can remember. Coming from hippy, pacifist parents, violence was frowned upon in my household. So, many times I would go my friend’s house or Grandma’s house to watch my favorite sports entertainers engage in the art of combat in the squared circle. After the show was over, it was off to practice the moves I’d learned from that installment of WWE’s Superstars of Wrestling. Underclass mates and little brothers of the neighborhood would feel the power as I applied such moves as The Camel Clutch, The Figure Four and The Abdominal Stretch. This was real world application at its finest. I was practicing the art of Jeet Kune Do as it applied to Wrestling. I would use the moves that worked, and throw out the ones that didn’t.

Fast forward 20 some odd years to now. I feel it is my duty to legitimize Sports Entertainment. My quest is to come up with a series highlighting the effectiveness of pro wrestling moves in Jiu Jitsu. I will bring back life into what has become a mundane world of sub grappling. No more boring Twisters, no more sleepy double bagger set ups. No, from now on it will be crowd pleasing “Sharp Shooters” and the power of “The Claw”

I’m going to start training 3 times a week at the Dark Planet Catch Wrestling facilities.

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