Scott “Jerk” Einstein Seminar In Peoria, AZ. August 1st, 2009

Scott should listen to his wife and make a professional flyer. azseminar

8 responses to “Scott “Jerk” Einstein Seminar In Peoria, AZ. August 1st, 2009”

  1. Lazy Jits says:

    $65 pre-reg, $85 at the door? This jerk seems to think he’s worth more than Coach Alder.

  2. Jesus Christ says:

    HAHAhAhAAHHAaHAHhahaHA ^^^

  3. Baby Jesus says:

    “Jerk”, Why…?? XD

  4. Erik Wahlberg says:

    I think it should be Scottie “SHUT….UP!” Einstein myself.

  5. Regeye the Jedi says:

    “Scott should listen to his wife and make a professional flyer. ”

    This killed me coach…haahaha

  6. i says:

    Einstein sucks at photo shop on this one. alder should charge more then Einstein just cause his fliers are flier.

  7. Ian says:

    fly 3
    adjective ( flyer , flyest) informal
    1 stylish and fashionable : they were wearin’ fly clothes.

    It is in the dictionary boys and girls! ‘Hood’ is taking over the planet one step at a time!

    And yes, ‘hood’ has it’s traditional haters, too. They will soon rip me a new one for making the ‘taking over the planet’ claim… :-0