Congratulations to Sean Bollinger on his second amateur MMA win. After submitting his opponent with an armbar from the mount, he now moves to a record of 2-0. The event took place in Las Vegas at Tuff-N-Uff this past weekend. I see big things in this young man’s future.

video or GTFO
Congratulations Coach Sean!!!! Sean Bollinger son!!!!!
Oh, come on. We all know those 10th planet guys can’t fight. Isn’t that what they’ve been saying? Congrats.
Nice! Congrat Sean! Armbar from Mount is sick! It’s also really hard to pull off in UFC Undisputed 2009 on the Xbox. Gotta mount then press then in the R stick. To do it in real life and in an MMA fight that’s just awesome!
Congrats Sean!
Great job Sean, also nice look to the 10th Planet Riverside website.
Congrats on the win Sean. Let us know when we can see video.
Nice, Nice
Sean’s my dude! Hell to the fuck yeah okay son!? Congrats Sean!
WHat weight/?
congratulations! a video of the fight would really be nice 🙂
Video can be seen at IBNSPORTS.COM
congrats, its time for more high level jiu jitsu in mma
WTF? Bollinger’s jiu-jitsu is high-level, but I think you’re forgetting that he’s a Brown Belt. There are plenty of Black Belts in MMA…so what do you mean “its time for more high level jiu jitsu in mma”?
thats why I said more there are some high level guys mabey I should have said effective i.e. Frank Mir Damian Maia the Diaz brothers belt level is irrelevant Frank Mir was tapping guys in the ufc before he had a black belt it just seems to me like Im seeing less subs in mma
where exactly? can’t find it
Thanks. Found it.