Interested In Becoming a 10th Planet Affiliate or Having A Seminar @ Your School? Book This Fool!
Ever thought, “Hey, that Alder guys sucks, if he can teach 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu, I sure as hell can.” Well, you probably don’t say that about me, you probably say it about Einstein, and you’re right, what a jerk! Anyways, if you’re twistering everybody in your gym and interested in having your school become a 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu affiliate, you can! **(maybe)
Now, if you’re a fan of the system, but not so enthusiastic to have your school associated with “The Pot”, Rock and Roll and tattoos, but would like to have a seminar, you can do that as well!
For a free consultaion, 1-900-GET-ALDER
Someone make 10th planet miami happen please!
I called 1 -900 – GET ALDER and it didn’t work. Is it 1 900 GET ADLER?
Try 1-900-IT WAS JUST A JOKE MORON. Let me know if that works.
Look who didnt get the joke….muhahahahahaha! And it wasnt Howard.
I am The Point…and you missed me.
Alder, you guys are the shit. I look forward to saving some scrap and someone visiting the east coast again.
The 900 number does nothing? did you post it wrong?