10th Planet – US Open 2009 Highlight

Compilation of 10th Planet competitors at US Open in Los Angeles, 8/29/2009.

15 responses to “10th Planet – US Open 2009 Highlight”

  1. WTF says:

    WTF!?!?! Eddie was there? I saw everyone from 10th Planet except him! I thought he would be at UFC 102 so I didn’t look around for him. But I did get to meet BJ Penn, Bas Rutten, Jeff Monson, and Cung Le 🙂

  2. Ian says:

    Just curious.. who chooses this music?

  3. Alder Hampel says:

    ^^^Karen, the editor, and recipient of the gold medal in her division, chose the music. No matter what music we use, everybody always hates rap, techno, country, temple of mir etc. =(

    …and Eddie was there on Sunday. He was at the UFC Saturday night

  4. Howard says:

    so hot.

  5. Dave says:

    That was rad. Aussie Jeremy with the gogo from everywhere. Sweet.

  6. WTF says:

    Oh, well then you tricked me pretty bad. Showing Saturday’s footage and footage of Eddie…

  7. Ian says:

    Re. music… very cool, very eclectic!

  8. Matthew says:

    Wait, there was a country soundtrack to one of the vids posted here….
    link please?

  9. RW says:

    Great Job to all of you! Cool vid.


  10. $kidmark says:

    That was rad. Alder, if i use that 10th Planet shit at a tournament and send you the vid, would you post it for review. I’m going to go crazy with the rubber and half guard at Grappler’s Quest in Lancaster PA. Also, the unvailing of the 10th Planet Unwanted Sexual Intercourse choke is going to make its debut on the vid. See you in Christburg on the 12th.

  11. Eddie Bravo's Inner Thoughts says:

    Fuk you, kid. Stop making my shit look bad.

  12. $kidmark says:

    Uhhhh, what?

  13. Erik Wahlberg says:

    What happened to Einstein’s leg?

  14. $kidmark says:

    what i was trying to say, without disrespecting anyone’s personal struggles, was in reference to hitting the rape choke off of either the gangsta lean. In all probablity it’ll be from the rack. Anyway, im not trying to offend anyone. Big fan, not a dick. Alder, see you in “Christburg” VA on the 12th