10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu: The David Lo Pan
“This is a from guard variation of the Peruvian D’Arce (itself A Peruvian Necktie Variation using the vice grip) that I have been developing. I was having a lot of success with the Peruvian D’Arce, so I decided to see if it would work from guard. So far, so good.” – David “Lo Pan” Callaham
EDIT: The music is, naturally, “Pork Chop Express,” from the BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA SOUNDTRACK. Written and performed by John Carpenter himself.
I haven’t hung out with David much, but after watching this video, I probably should. The Big Trouble In Little China references had me falling out laughing. These set ups are really slick.
The arm drag setup is the shit. That song also kicks ass like “Boo doom deem, doo doo dum!” What!
Then at like 1:40 it gets all “Come along for a ride in my convertible in South Beach”, and then your ass is knocked unconscious.
That is an ill setup, going to put this one into my game for sure. 10th Planet for life.