10th Planet Riverside, CA Now Open w/ Sean Bollinger and Jeremy-Jitsu

12 responses to “10th Planet Riverside, CA Now Open w/ Sean Bollinger and Jeremy-Jitsu”

  1. JayC says:

    A bit small, no? 🙂

  2. E=mc2 says:

    no .its a start

  3. JayC says:

    What happens when it gets bigger though?

  4. Ari Bolden says:

    Then they look for a bigger space 😉

    When we started off, I had a small gym space (600 sq feet). I then moved up to a 1700 sq foot space. We are in the midst of moving our school (spring 2009) to a 5000 sq foot facility, making it the largest 10th Planet school around;-)

    Baby steps…baby steps…

  5. Dave says:

    I think Jeremy Jitsu is high on drugs in that clip.

  6. Ari Bolden says:

    you think???!!! 😉

  7. Matthias says:

    I thought the same thing watching that clip.

  8. James says:

    Jeremy seems fun

  9. PacificFlows says:

    Careful with takedowns near those windows, guys..

  10. carlos says:

    yeah the windows don’t seem to safe… but very nice