10th Planet Burbank pt 3: Eddie Bravo Shows Twister Side Control
Part 3 of the trilogy at 10th Planet Burbank. Eddie shows how to catch the twister from twister side control
Part 3 of the trilogy at 10th Planet Burbank. Eddie shows how to catch the twister from twister side control
Thanks everyone who came to this class. It was a great turn out. We got to meet more 10th planet students from around the area and sort of “launch” our new classes.
Thank again for the support guys.
I’ll drop in for a day when I can make it to L.A. again. 🙂
I have a question that I hope someone could awnser
I like to use Saulos running escape from side control, which requires you to turn away from your opponent to escape. when attempting the running escape can you be attacked with a twister??
I’m not familiar with the running escape, but if you roll away from your opponent and get to your knees, you can get twistered.