Brandon Quick’s Brown Belt Controversy

I pulled this off the UG, ( Link to thread

From: EddieBravo
Posted: 1 hour ago
Edited: 06/24/09 5:02 PM
10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu, Member Since: 5/9/02
Posts: 4723 Ignore | Quote | Vote Down | Vote Up

I did not give Brandon his brown belt.

I have known Brandon for many years, met him at JJ’s a long time ago while he was a student of black belt David Dunn. He also trained from time to time at 10th planet over the years. Many of my students are also full time students elsewhere, so his sporadic training at my school was quite normal.

When he approached me for affiliation he told me he was a brown belt and since I knew him for many years I never verified his brown belt, I just believed him.

Since the ability to teach my system is more important to me than the color of your belt i just checked him on his 10thplanet knowledge, which was pretty damn good.

I am not looking for champions to run my affiliates, just good teachers that understand my strategies, philosophies and have complete command of the 10th Planet terminology, which Brandon had down solid, and so does Ari, who got his purple from me directly.

Now that Brandon’s brown belt is in question, I called him yesterday and asked him exactly where he got it.

Now i know why he’s hesitant to explain how he got it publicly.

Turns out, according to Brandon, he got his brown belt from a bjj black belt while he was in the army. A guy named Sergeant Jason Keen who years later turned out to be a fake black belt.

Srgt Keen claimed he got his black belt from a Gracie military system called G.R.A.P.P.L.E. or something like that, but it turned out he lied, so basically Brandon’s brown belt is not legit.

Now the question is, what am I gonna do about this situation?

There are a few routes I can take, but I will discuss this with my top disciples before I make my final decision.

I take full responsibility for not verifying the legitimacy of his brown belt before official affiliation was complete, I will do my best to make sure this does not happen again 🙂

205 responses to “Brandon Quick’s Brown Belt Controversy”

  1. Ian says:

    ^^^ 🙂

  2. who cares your new discussion in this post says:

    Blah, blah, blah….

  3. Jerhomo says:

    I nominate Jerome Bastillo (inventer of the sanitarium) as the first 10th Planet Black Belt!

  4. Kimbo Gracie says:

    police bar

  5. I hate Jerhomo says:

    Jerome is a 10thPJJ Purple Belt. Obviously, he’s not gonna be the first Black Belt. Idiot. I hate you. You die.

  6. Howard says:

    whoever is the first Eddie Bravo black belt in 10th Planet is – it’s going to be big.

  7. I hate Jerhomo says:

    Don’t hold your breath. Eddie once said that he’ll have a Black Belt by the beginning of LAST year. Yeah.

    Remember, the entire system is just 6 years old.

  8. ian (the real one from 10th planet hollywood & burbank) says:

    the following (below) is a statement from username, panamsilver, on the forum.

    here is the link to the original statement

    This messsage is for Eddie Bravo(Brandon Quick’s previous instructor) and any other future instructors that may foolishly align themselves with Quick.

    When I was standing up for Brandon early on this drama…on TXMMA. Brandon called me saying that he chose to leave the 10th Planet System voluntarily. His many reasons for distancing himself from his master was due to his affilliation with his transplanted California Church(92 members) that relocated to Waxahachie. Therefore, he can no longer associate himself with the low morals and bad ethics of the likes of Eddie Bravo. The Marijuana drug use, the immorality, etc.
    He said that it was hypocritical for himself to be aligned with such an individual such as Eddie Bravo. So, he is leaving the 10th Planet on his own free will.

    Is it not ironic that in Brandon Quick’s recent seminar his sponsor was Marijuana Muscle?

  9. Erik Wahlberg says:

    Hi Ian,

    As I said before (and I’m just being realistic) Ian isn’t going anywhere. Say what you want about Brandon but there guys are true fakes and scammers and even they are still around. Take, for example, this guy…

    I suggest you keep training and get your brown belt, open your own 10thPJJ school, make your own dvds, and do seminars all over the world. Your success is the best revenge, bro!


    The most active 10THPJJ White Belt on the forums 🙂

  10. ian (the real one from 10th planet hollywood & burbank) says:

    hi erik,

    brandon IS a true fake and a scammer.

    he never posted a legitimate public apology for all of his lies.

    even afer he has been exposed, he still lying by selling off his termination from 10th planet as him leaving on his own free will. on top of that, HE IS TRYING TO MAKE EDDIE LOOK LIKE THE BAD GUY.

    all the people who are airing out his dirty laundry just want him to post a legitimate public apology.

    btw, with all due respect, i don’t need any of your suggestions, bro.

  11. Erik Wahlberg says:

    Hi Ian,

    Thanks for your response!

    You mean you don’t want a suggestion from some guy you don’t even know? LOL.

    I understand where you are coming from. No worries. I was “just sayin'” 🙂

    Have a great weekend you guys!

  12. ian (the real one from 10th planet hollywood & burbank) says:

    ^ no worries. see you in burbank.

  13. Jerhomo says:

    Hey FUCK YOU GUY!!!

    Jerome “Sanitarium” Bastillo has won more competitions then all other 10th Planet Brown belts COMBINED! He was in the books and DVD. He’s a master of the rubber guard. Top that.

  14. I hate Jerhomo says:

    To Jerhomo:

    1) You replied in the wrong post, so nobody knows what the hell you’re blabbering about.

    2) His name is Jerome Basilio. NOT “Bastillo.” Get it right, stupid douche.

    3) “He has won more competitions then all other 10th Planet Brown belts COMBINED!” No, you are an idiot. Don’t make up facts.

    4) The word is “than” NOT “then.”

    5) “He was in the books and DVD.” How is this relevant? Again, you are a stupid douche.

    Clearly, you have no idea what you’re talking about. And clearly, you are just a kid.

    Again, Jerome is a 10thPJJ Purple Belt and definitely will NOT be Eddie’s first Black Belt like you seriously think. You are dumb. You die. You die slow. You die and you go to hell.

  15. Grilla says:

    @ the real Ian. If you’re so worried about someone making your master look bad, why don’t you go after the very guys on mixedmartial arts forum, the same guys you’re snuggling up to.
    They really aren’t doing Bravo any favours by attacking his standards for grading and his affiliates.
    Really they are not!

    How would you like it when you say I’m a 10thp purple, and someone says, “that’s like a bjj blue, or even white,, because I read it on a forum”.

    Forgive me, but I find your excuse of going after B-Quick confusing, because those guys you’re making friends with, the lynch mob, are not only making your master look bad, but unlike Quick who is in turmoil and in survival mode, your friends are just being mischievious.

    If you are really defending your master’s rep, do it fully, and not half ass. You should be concerned with everyone who is making your master look bad.

  16. Jerhomo says:

    To “I hate Jerhomo”

    1) Your lame

    2) You’re lame

    3) You are lame

    4) Ur lame

    5) Correcting grammar and spelling is L-A-M-E, LAME

    Jerome is the true 10th Planet champion!

  17. ian (the real one from 10th planet hollywood & burbank) says:


    i’m not making any friends with any of those 10th planet “haters” on the ug or on any other forum.

    i’m not going to waste time participating in the same old discussions of “gi vs no-gi…” or “if eddie was using rubber guard against royler…”, or etc..

    people can take shots at the 10th planet style/system all they want, and it doesn’t bother me one bit because those “haters” are completely brainwashed and retarded; they don’t know any better. for me to get in to a debate with those fools would be just as good as talking to a brick wall. i know i’m right, because i use common sense and logic, and they “think” they’re right because they’re just repeating what their instructors have programmed them to say. neither side is going to learn anything from the debate.

    i am solely focused on brandon “never tells the truth” quick, because he gives the haters a legitimate reason to hate 10th planet.

    but i don’t expect you to understand any of this because, again, as i have already told you – you are not from 10th planet.

    turn off your computer and go practice your systema or whatever.


    go eat a dick.

  18. I hate Jerhomo says:

    To Jerhomo:

    1) You are dumb

    2) I hate you

    3) You die

    4) You die slow

    5) You die and you go to hell

    6) Stop fantasizing about Jerome. Homo.

  19. Grilla says:

    @ the real Ian.

    About Brandon giving them a legit reason, are you really obsessed with what they think.
    Bad publicity is bad publicity. Quick is just a conduit to their hate. Tomorrow they’ll find something else.
    You’re not trying to preach to the choir, or to the rocks, but alternative views are always good on forums.
    The rocks will get harder, but the objective person will think.
    You should offer alternative perspectives. Mine haven’t been the greatest, but you guys should try.

    Keep this in mind, however. The more you witch hunt Quick, the more 10thp name will be dragged in the mire.
    Quick is 10thp drama, plain and simple.

    However, if you’re worried about legit reasons for them to spread hate. The more you keep Quick in the spotlight, the more amunition you give them to attack Bravo. They’ll keep saying things like Quick proves Bravo is just watering down the product, and/or just in it for money.

    Trust me, it’s better if the Quick thing passed into the night. The faster, the better.
    This is something you might want to bury, rather than magnify.
    Proving B-Quick to be the worst person isn’t going to help your personal life like you think it will.
    My 2c.

    “go eat a dick”

    Is that cool?

  20. Grilla says:

    And Btw. @ The real Ian.

    That post you cut and paste. The one about Quick’s anti marijuana church.
    How do you know it’t not just a troll just trying to stir up shit?

    Sometimes due diligence and judicius thinking is better before one spreads info.
    I personally would know I have no way of validating, verifying the info.
    And for that reason, I wouldn’t contribute in spreading it.

    Again, just my 2c.

  21. ian (the real one from 10th planet hollywood & burbank) says:

    “are you really obsessed with what they think.” – grilla

    no, YOU are.

    you are not a 10th planet student, you are not even a bjj student, and yet you are wasting time debating with the 10th planet haters (and doing a horrible job at it).

    stop (horribly) trying to defend 10th planet.

    we don’t want or need your horrible trolling skills.

    “Trust me, it’s better if the Quick thing passed into the night.” – grilla

    no, i will not trust you, you demented fuck.

    now i know why you are trying to deflect attention away from brandon “never tells the truth” quick. you are drinking his kool aid.

    “That post you cut and paste. The one about Quick’s anti marijuana church.
    How do you know it’t not just a troll just trying to stir up shit?

    Sometimes due diligence and judicius thinking is better before one spreads info.
    I personally would know I have no way of validating, verifying the info.
    And for that reason, I wouldn’t contribute in spreading it.

    Again, just my 2c.” – grilla

    if you question the legitimacy of the guy who posted that message, then you can contact him here.

    good luck.

    oh and again, just my 2c:

    go eat a dick.

  22. Shut up Grilla says:

    I find Ian’s postings enlightening. What do you have to offer? It seems that YOU are obsessed with IAN’s thinking.

  23. ian (the real one from 10th planet hollywood & burbank) says:

    ^grilla is just a retard and a troll.

    plain and simple.

    he doesn’t even train in bjj.

  24. Grilla says:

    @ The real Ian.

    No need to get mad. Or call me names. In fact, you’re really not reppin 10thp all that well.

    I like what Bravo is doing a lot. Yet, I can’t stand irrational bashing in any area of life, so I get into a debate.
    A few people told me I was doing well, some didn’t like it; but of course the haters will hate more. I don’t preach to rocks. The rocks will just get harder. It’s just a rule of thumb. But, I really don’t need you to be calling me nasty names.

    Plus, I am not going to contact the guy who wrote about Brandon. But, don’t you think before you spread that shit all over the net, you should have contacted him. In fact, you should have at least verified if it was true or not. How will anyone know that? That’s how rumors, and gossip spreads.

    I am not getting into a back and forth with you. I won’t respond to you after this. But you need to chill with calling people names. I don’t know you, you don’t know me. You’re repping tenth planet. Do so with a little class.

  25. ian (the real one from 10th planet hollywood & burbank) says:

    “In fact, you’re really not reppin 10thp all that well.” – grilla

    ^this is a perfect example of why you need to stop (horribly) trolling for 10th planet.

    you do not train in bjj

    you are not 10th planet.

    you do not know who i am.

    therefore, you haven’t the slightest clue on how i rep 10th planet.

    “But, I really don’t need you to be calling me nasty names.” – grilla

    go practice your systema, you retarded troll.

    “Plus, I am not going to contact the guy who wrote about Brandon. But, don’t you think before you spread that shit all over the net, you should have contacted him. In fact, you should have at least verified if it was true or not.” – grilla

    i did.

    “I am not getting into a back and forth with you. I won’t respond to you after this. But you need to chill with calling people names. I don’t know you, you don’t know me. You’re repping tenth planet. Do so with a little class.” – grilla

    you are absolutely right – you don’t know me. so, don’t ever question how i rep 10th planet, don’t ever question my loyalty to my instructor and teammates.


    go practice your systema, you retarded troll.

  26. Shut up Grilla says:

    Lol.. “I did”-Ian

    Wait a sec.kind of curious. How did you verify it? You just believed him?

  27. ian (the real one from 10th planet hollywood & burbank) says:

    ^you need to scroll up and click on the link i provided to the guy’s profile.

    his contact info is there.

  28. Some guy. says:

    I read the thread. One question.
    He says Brandon talked about, quote, “His many reasons for distancing himself ”

    Does that mean Brandon had lots of other reasons?

  29. Some Guy says:


    Hey you bastard, ‘Some Guy’ is my name. Stop impersonating me. Ho.

  30. Shut up Grilla says:

    Lol.. “I did”-Ian

    Wait a sec.kind of curious. How did you verify it? You just believed him?

    The above post was NOT made by me. It was probably Grilla impersonating/posting as me. Grilla, you stupid faggot. Fuck you. Homo. Stop impersonating people. Again, I find Ian’s posts enlightening. What do you have to offer? A bunch of retarded advice. Also, from what I gather, you practice systema? LOL, grow up kid. Also, how pathetic are you to be posting as me? Douche.

  31. Grilla says:

    I’m a stupid homo who likes to impersonate people. I practice systema and gay sex. I’m gay so I like cock. I like to righteous advice to strangers on the internet and pretend I’m so sophisticated even though it makes me sound like a stupid fucktard. But then again, I practice systema. What do you expect?

  32. Grilla says:

    I didn’t make those posts.

  33. Joe Rogan says:

    Grilla is being made an honorary 10 Planet Blue Belt for his constant battles on the boards. Ian ( the real one) is being kick out and sent to a gracie affiliate for being a douche bag who causes problems, get another hobby you jack ass.

  34. ian (the real one from 10th planet hollywood & burbank) says:

    ^damn you, fake joe rogan.

    dear grilla,

    i’m really stoned right now.

    i apologize for sounding like an asshole. don’t take it personal, because i am an asshole in real life.

    the message(s) that i am trying to get across to you is:

    *don’t concern yourself with me perpetuating the airing of brandon quick’s dirty laundry. i’ve already said numerous times to you (and others) that you are all sitting on the outside looking in, and if you knew about further underlying issues regarding this whole matter, then you would be changing your tune. again, even after brandon has been exposed, he is still lying, he never posted a legit public apology, and he is making eddie look like the bad guy.

    *don’t waste your time debating with the 10th planet haters – you are talking to delusional/brainwashed brick walls. eddie, his brown belts, and other students (like myself) figured that out very quickly, a long time ago.

    *instead of wasting your time debating with brick walls, if you truly want to support 10th planet, then buy eddie’s books/dvds (if you haven’t already) study and practice the material, or better yet, look for a 10th planet school nearby and sign up for classes. then go out and put your ass on the line by competing. physically show the haters what the 10th planet style and philosophy is all about. actions speak louder than words.

  35. gorilla fan says:

    War gorilla!

  36. Cliff says:

    Ian, you are hard core. Up at 6:30am on a Saturday AND a holiday.

  37. ian (the real one from 10th planet) says:

    ^i didn’t wake up early. i stayed up late.

  38. Grilla says:

    *puts his Ian (the real one) mask on*

    It’s grilla douche! Not fucking Gorilla!! Are you dyslexic, you fucking dirtbag retard!!

    Wait a sec… did you say fan? Ma bad. Welcome! Take anything you want, even the wife!

    Oh, my humor sucks.

    Ian, no worries. I know when things get heated, and it even took me a long time to learn that when one is fire, the other must be water. Gas don’t work.

    But, I still think it’s very good to debate with the haters, not because you’re trying to convert them, trying to convert the rocks, but you at least want to blunt the bad publicity, show that the opinions about 10th Planet are *not* uniform. 

    The rocks will hate you more, please believe that, but, if you keep it respectful, the middle of the road people might hear your line, and your perspective. And yes, you’re right, I admit, I am a terrible spokes person, that’s why I believe you cats should get involved and also politely disagree. It is good for your business if there are two side to the argument. The objective person will have two sides of a debate to consider. But this is just my opinion.

    Just my 2c.

    All the best, Ian. War with the training, and I hope we get to roll soon!

  39. Mat says:

    +1 for Grilla

  40. ian (the real one from 10th planet hollywood & burbank) says:

    “But, I still think it’s very good to debate with the haters, not because you’re trying to convert them, trying to convert the rocks, but you at least want to blunt the bad publicity, show that the opinions about 10th Planet are *not* uniform.

    The rocks will hate you more, please believe that, but, if you keep it respectful, the middle of the road people might hear your line, and your perspective. And yes, you’re right, I admit, I am a terrible spokes person, that’s why I believe you cats should get involved and also politely disagree. It is good for your business if there are two side to the argument. The objective person will have two sides of a debate to consider. But this is just my opinion.” – grilla

    eddie and the rest of the 10th planet guys (like myself) who spend any amount of time posting on bjj forums have already tried participating in intelligent debates with the “haters”, a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.

    it’s a waste of time.

    we’re trying to throw logic and common sense at brainwashed parrots, and trust me, they will not catch it.

    the good thing is, those brainwashed parrots can talk as much shit as they want about the 10th planet game without us defending against them, and in the end, eddie/10th planet still win.

    because the objective individuals who read all the trash talking will look into the 10th planet material just out of sheer curiosity, and they will realize that the style is legit.

    in the words of the great greek philosopher, kanyeus westicus:

    50 told me
    go ‘head switch ya style up
    and if they hate
    then let ’em hate
    and watch the money pile up

  41. Really? says:

    Really… this whole thing is lame.

  42. Shut Up says:


    Shut up, ho.

  43. aaron says:

    So eddie never rolled with bradon before cuz if he did he probaly would of known he isnt as good as the other brownbelts…right?

  44. Twist 1 Up says:

    Just wanted to drop in and clear one thing up. I am the guy that had Brandon Quick come out to georgia for a seminar at our club (GAFIGHTCLUB). My sponsor is Marijauna Muscle, so I made sure that my sponsor was on the seminar flyers and on the seminar website, to promote MY sponsor. So Brandon Quick was in no way ever affiliated with marijuana muscle at any time.
    Also, the seminar was amazing. Infact best seminar I have ever been too and no offense to eddie but it was much more in depth and intense then both the seminars of his I have been too. Brandon Quick was a pleasure to have out and was a great guy to hang out with and train with. His skill is proven in his teaching. Since the seminar Brandon has kept in touch with me and supports my training and teaching. I cant speak on why Brandon and Eddie went ways but as far as Brandons skills go….he has skills and eddie had to have seen that for the years he has known brandon. If you roll with Brandon or watch him roll you can see the skill and work ethic. Brandon is a great guy as far as my experiences go. I hope to have him out for another seminar in the near future. No complaints at all. And this is just my .02 not trying to start arguements of what did or didnt happen just want to speak on my experiences. thanks!

  45. ian (the real one) says:

    ^hi brandon!

  46. Twist 1 Up says:

    This is not Brandon Quick…this is Aaron King. I stay in atlanta georgia. I have posted on this site tons of times so Im not sure why yoy would assume I am him other then the fact that anytime someone defends him….it supposedly is Brandon. lol. look me up on youtube…. esbjiutjitsu…thats me!

  47. statesman says:

    you are a buffoon.

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