Noguiera’s Shoulder Lock.
Here’s a variation of one of the moves I showed tonight in class at 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Van Nuys. This was originally shown to me by one of my former top students, Eddie “Kim” Lee. He came to me from Paragon Jiu Jitsu, where Jiu Jitsu standout, MMA fighter and black belt, Bill “The Grill” Cooper had shown it to him. He literally submitted all the students in the class, and even some of the instructors with it. It was such a good move, I asked him to show it to the rest of the academy.
If you are in the area come check us out in Van Nuys, CA
10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Van Nuys
16832 Saticoy, St.
Van Nuys, CA 91406