Javier “Showtime” Vasquez vs. Jeff Glover! ADCC 2005 Qualifiers.

August 4th, 2013 In Seminars, Tournaments | Comments Off on Javier “Showtime” Vasquez vs. Jeff Glover! ADCC 2005 Qualifiers.

Awesome match from 2 extremely high level Grapplers.


Speaking of Javier Vasquez, we’re having a seminar with him at 10th Planet Van Nuys August 31st, 2013 at 12pm. For more information click here, or call us at 818 781-JITS(5487)










Want to learn the 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu system? <a href=”http://www.10thplanetvannuys.com” title=”10th Planet Jiu Jitsu in Van Nuys, California” target=”_blank”>www.10thplanetvannuys.com</a>

Ricardo Arona vs Ricardo Almeida – ADCC Final

February 12th, 2011 In Tournaments | 2 Comments

Posted by: Mike Frausto

(10th Planet Van Nuys)

FIGHT! Life: The Twister vs. The Legend, with Eddie Bravo

March 13th, 2010 In Interviews | 2 Comments

In Free Trip to Brazil,” MMA legend Eddie Bravo told us about his unlikely victory at the North American trials for the ADCC Submission Grappling World Championships, the best competition of its kind on the planet. In part three of this FIGHT! Life series, Bravo, who arrived in Sao Paolo, Brazil as a brown belt surrounded by black-belt masters, recounts his now-legendary fight with Royler Gracie, the undisputed top dog in the sport who had never given up a single point in his career. Bravo had nothing to lose. Heres what happened.

Produced and directed by Matthew Ross. Shot by Rick Lee, Marc Rizzo, and Randy Ward. Edited by Ashley Cahill and Ryan Jackson-Healy.

Royler Gracie BB Vinny Magalaes Repping 10thpjj In ADCC

October 2nd, 2009 In News | 6 Comments

Congrats to Vinny on winning the bronze in his division and in the absolute!

Combat Pezao Fight ShirtCombat Pezao Fight Shorts

Sean Bollinger ADCC West Coast Trials 2009 Round 1

July 6th, 2009 In Tournaments | 14 Comments

Alder Hampel – ADCC 2009 West Coast Trials – Mens Advanced Gold Medalist

May 27th, 2009 In Tournaments | 50 Comments

10th Planet ADCC West Coast Trials 2009

May 26th, 2009 In News | 21 Comments

Big shouts out to everybody that competed or came out to support this past weekend at the ADCC 2009 west coast trials. There were tons of us out representing that day. Riverside, Burbank, Hollywood HQ, all our friends and families came out to root us on as we competed. I was proud to be a part of such an amazing group of people. There was a real sense of comradery between us. Everybody it put it on the line and gave everything they had during the competition. After months of training, injuries, dieting, weight cutting etc it all came down to this day. In the end, win or lose, it’s my belief that we did a fantastic job coming together as a team. My hat is off to everyone, big props all around!

For me, this was an especially important event. This was my first ever, real competition. Thank you to my coaches, Eddie Bravo, Brent Littell, Shigeki Matsuda, Edwin Co, Scott Epstein, Jason Juatco (sorry if I forgot anybody). Thank You to all my training partners in Hollywood and Burbank that helped me get ready for the event. Win or lose, it was all about stepping outside of my comfort zone to challenge myself and test my skills. I learned so much this time around and look forward to competing again in the very near future.

10th Planet, all day!!!

Black Out 2: Choke from Crucifix

November 1st, 2008 In Techniques | Comments Off on Black Out 2: Choke from Crucifix

Eddie Bravo: The Pyramid (Royler Sub)

October 18th, 2008 In Techniques | 2 Comments

This is the move Eddie caught Royler Gracie with in their infamous ’03 ADCC match. It’s a set up to go to the triangle, the carni or the omoplata.

Rubber Guard: Crocodile: Spider Web

September 24th, 2008 In Techniques | 1 Comment

Brandon Quick on Mission Control to Crocodile and the dominance of the Spider Web

10th Planet Jiu Jitsu: Twister Counter

September 19th, 2008 In Techniques | 1 Comment

Rubber Guard Mini Instructionals (Ian’s Remix) pt.3

September 19th, 2008 In Techniques, Theory | Comments Off on Rubber Guard Mini Instructionals (Ian’s Remix) pt.3


Rubber Guard Mini Instructionals (Ian’s Remix) pt.2

September 18th, 2008 In Techniques, Theory | 2 Comments


Rubber Guard Mini Instructionals (Ian’s Remix) pt.1

September 17th, 2008 In Techniques, Theory | Comments Off on Rubber Guard Mini Instructionals (Ian’s Remix) pt.1

I’ve posted these here before, but they’ve been digitally remastered in HD and with THX by Ian 😉


Thanks For Telling Your Friends About 10th Planet Watch!!!

September 16th, 2008 In Uncategorized | 8 Comments

…Or shame on you if you haven’t told your friends.

I’ve been getting about 4-5 times the site traffic that I usually get this week. Thanks to everybody who checks out the site. It gives me personal satisfaction to Know you care. Thanks to everybody who posts their techniques, uses 10thpjj in tournaments and mma ect. Keep the videos coming and I’ll keep posting them.

Word Life
