10th Planet Jiu Jitsu-Advanced Basics-Top Control pt3

January 6th, 2010 In Techniques | 7 Comments

Part 3!!!

10th Planet Watch Exclusive! Check Ur Oil a.k.a. Brent Littel gives a seminar on top game control.

For more news, videos and info, go to www.10thplanetwatch.com

10th Planet Jiu Jitsu-Advanced Basics-Top Control pt2

January 5th, 2010 In Techniques | 4 Comments

Part 2!!!

10th Planet Watch Exclusive! Check Ur Oil a.k.a. Brent Littel gives a seminar on top game control.

For more news, videos and info, go to www.10thplanetwatch.com

Check The Technique w/ Brent CUO: “All You Need Is Three Moves”

March 3rd, 2009 In Theory | 26 Comments


I only think of three moves during sparring – no more, no less. Every move I make is a step towards one of those three moves. I spend little if any time in positions where I can’t execute one of these moves, and if I am forced into a no man’s land where my moves are ineffective, then I immediately plot a course back towards on of them. At a minimum, I try to keep myself one to two steps away from execution of these moves at all times, and at a maximum, I never get more than three steps away from them. I am like a heat seeking missile that has three targets. So, these statements beg the question, “Why would someone do this?”.

Well, first, after watching years of footage of the greatest bjj players on the planet, I noticed that for the most part they hit the same submissions or sweeps over and over again. One only needs to watch a Marcelo x-guard highlight to understand that. Thus, after noticing such a fact, I hypothesized that a competitor’s ability to win has little to do with the size of his arsenal and more to do with the effectiveness of the few weapons he has. So, why practice with fifty different guns that I won’t use? Why not practice with three guns that I can master? Thus, I chose my sniper rifle, my shot gun, and my sidearm, and I began working on becoming a crack-shot with each, just like all of the top level guys did.

The second reason I chose this way of training was that I noticed that the better the player I rolled with, the more that he had me reacting, and I did not want to do that anymore. When rolling with the top level black belts, I was constantly trying to weather the storms while never getting to execute my game. In short, I was losing in my mind and on the mats. Therefore, I looked to create a methodology whereby I was never reacting and was always imposing so that I could get back to winning. That methodology was picking my three moves and finding entrances to them from every offensive and defensive position. In that way, no matter what horrid position I was in, I still could operate under the impression that I was actually the person on the offensive. Now, I know that this could sound delusional, but this mentalization has actually given me the energy to keep moving when I was in the worst of predicaments.

Finally, the third reason that I chose this method was that I always wanted to stay focused during a match. Sometimes, when I was rolling with a top level grappler, I would find my mind shuffling through moves. Meanwhile, my opponent was moving into different positions where I had to add new movements into the shuffle. This kept me out of focus and away from winning. So, instead of continuing to stay in this cluttered head space, I found a way to get rid of the waste and hold onto only the necessary moves. I threw away everything but the thought of how I could execute on of my three moves. I cleared out the playlist and left only three songs remaining. In this way, I discovered a trick to bring my mind back into focus and back towards winning.

Now, I know that for most people, they do not have the years of experience which has allowed me to find my perfect three moves. However, even for those people this methodology is still practical. The only thing that will change over the weeks or months is that they may want to swap out different weapons until they find their perfect arsenal. At least, this way one will be able to work towards a goal instead of swimming aimlessly through useless malarkey.

words by Brent CUO

Alder and Brent’s EA San Mateo Seminar

February 13th, 2009 In Seminars | 5 Comments


Brent C.U.O. and myself, The Coach Alder, recently made the trek up to San Mateo, California to teach a VERY exclusive dual instructor, 10 student capacity, private seminar. The event took place at the worlds famous EA games campus near San Francisco. We were greeted by a very enthusiastic and friendly, Mr. Erik Wahlberg and Mr. Constantine. The first 2 hours of the seminar we covered in depth, the lockdown/half guard game. We then broke for and hour for lunch. When we came back, we covered in detail, the path of the Rubber Guard, and the Pyramid position.

I would like to thank our gracious host Erik, all his hard work organizing and  for having us up. Thank you to all the students who attended, their dedication to learning was a delight. It was in my eyes, an overwhelming success. We very much look forward to coming up again soon. Teaching seminars is a wonderful and rewarding experience, and I would love to continue it for as long as it is possible.

Between instructing at 10th Planet Burbank, The Grappling Team @ California State University Northridge, 10th Planet Hollywood, Fitness Unlimited and doing seminars, I consider myself a very blessed Individual. I’m surrounded by amazing people and absolutely love doing what it is that I do. I’d like to give Eddie Bravo the worlds biggest shout out right now. Without him and his system, none of this would have been possible me. Eddie is not only an innovator and a genius, but he is a very loyal and generous man as well. I’m proud to be a part of the 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu phenomenon. 

"Coach" Alder Hampel
“Coach” Alder Hampel - 10th Planet 4 Life!

10th Planet Jiu Jitsu: Mount to Carni

July 26th, 2008 In Comedy, Sparing, Techniques | 5 Comments

Brent CUO began his jiu jitsu career with Ricardo “Rey” Diogo, a Carlson Gracie Black belt and team member. After three years of training with Rey and following a promotion to blue belt, Brent decided to shed the gi and started his training with Eddie “The Twister” Bravo. Under Eddie’s tutelage, Brent was promoted to purple belt and began teaching private lessons to beginners at tenth planet. During the following two years, Brent continued to work at tenth planet, and in September of 2006, he became a brown belt, receiving his belt from Eddie Bravo himself. Today, Brent still coaches for tenth planet at Legends Gym in Hollywood and hopes to get his black belt soon.

As far as teaching is concerned, Brent has experience far beyond the gym and the mats, experience that he believes allows him to convey jiu jitsu technique at the highest level. In addition to having an undergraduate degree in religion, Brent also has a Masters degree in Applied Psychology. He has worked as a school teacher to special needs children and, today, works as a Marriage and Family Therapist. Through working in both of these fields, Brent believes that he has a unique understanding how to package information in an easily digestible manner, helping every beginner become proficient in brazilian jiu jitsu at an accelerated pace.

If you would like to contact Brent for private lessons, you can reach him at checkuroil (at) hotmail.com. His specialties include the half guard, rubber guard, and the d’arce (brabo) choke.

Here’s my first original video, I just taught myself how to edit. The better I get, the worse these videos are going to get. I’m going to use the “Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job” format. It’s going to be bad acting, awful music, terrible editing and when I figure out how, bad fx. Just think the Whiskey Skate videos mashed up with the Invisible Skratch Piklz and a little Public access thrown in, but for Jiu Jitsu.